在当今快节奏的商业环境中, seamless integration between customer relationship management (CRM) systems and enterprise resource planning (ERP) software is crucial. 输入 IntegratorPlus*,由LBMC技术解决方案提供的强大解决方案.


  • IntegratorPlus是什么,
  • 它对你的业务有什么好处
  • 为什么它会改变销售到现金的流程.


IntegratorPlus is a pre-configured integration tool that bridges the gap between your CRM platform and 圣人Intacct,领先的基于云的ERP系统. 让我们来分析一下这意味着什么:

  1. CRM集成: IntegratorPlus连接您的CRM(如 Microsoft Dynamics 365 或Salesforce)与圣人Intacct. 它使关键数据的传输自动化, 包括客户信息, 库存, 定价, 销售订单, 和发票. 不再需要手动重新输入或重复数据!
  2. 双向同步: 在一个系统中进行的更新会立即反映在另一个系统中. Imagine creating a sales order in your CRM, and it seamlessly appears in 圣人Intacct. This real-time synchronization streamlines operations and eliminates redundancy.
  3. 随时随地访问: IntegratorPlus empowers your teams to access data from any device—PCs, smartphones or tablets. 不管他们是在办公室还是在路上, they’ll have a 360-degree view of customer interactions and financial information.


  1. 消除重新进入和维护:

告别冗余的客户数据输入. IntegratorPlus ensures that customer information remains consistent across both systems.

No more toggling between screens or spreadsheets to update 销售订单. IntegratorPlus保持一切同步.

  1. 操作效率:

By having 销售订单 available on either system, your team can work more efficiently.

Reporting becomes a breeze when data flows seamlessly between CRM and 圣人Intacct.

  1. 提高销售和服务效率:

With a unified view of customer data, your team can make informed decisions.

Real-time financial information within your CRM helps improve collections and cash flow.

IntegratorPlus的Microsoft Dynamics CRM

构建在健壮的Microsoft Azure平台上, IntegratorPlus扩展了Microsoft Dynamics CRM的功能.

它传输关键数据, 包括客户详细信息, 库存, 定价, 合同, 销售订单, 和发票.


  • 简化处理,
  • 实时更新,以及
  • 简化订单提交-即使在路上.


While seamless integration between customer relationship management (CRM) systems and enterprise resource planning (ERP) software might not be a priority for every business, it proves to be indispensable for companies aiming to optimize their sales-to-cash processes.

If your business relies heavily on managing customer relationships and financial data across multiple platforms, IntegratorPlus的推出可能会改变游戏规则.

Here are six key pain points that might signal the need for IntegratorPlus in your organization’s workflow:

  1. 手动数据输入和复制: If businesses find themselves spending significant time manually entering customer data or duplicating information between their CRM and ERP systems, they’re likely experiencing inefficiencies that IntegratorPlus can address. The frustration and potential for errors in this manual process could be significant pain points.
  2. 操作效率低下: Switching between systems or relying on spreadsheets for updates can slow down operations and create bottlenecks. 如果团队正在与这些低效率作斗争, 它表明需要像IntegratorPlus这样的解决方案, which streamlines processes by providing seamless synchronization between CRM and ERP systems.
  3. 缺乏实时信息: Waiting for data to be manually entered or synchronized can lead to delays in decision-making. If businesses find that they lack access to real-time information about 销售订单, 库存, 或者财务数据, they may feel the need for a solution like IntegratorPlus that offers instant updates and a unified view of information.
  4. 远程访问的挑战: 在今天的移动工作环境中, the inability to access critical data from any device can hinder productivity. If teams struggle to access customer information or process orders while on the go, 他们可能会在任何地方看到IntegratorPlus, “随时访问”功能作为解决他们痛点的有价值的解决方案.
  5. 报告困难: Generating accurate reports becomes challenging when data is scattered across multiple systems or requires manual consolidation. If businesses encounter difficulties in creating timely and accurate reports due to data fragmentation, IntegratorPlus’ seamless data flow between CRM and ERP systems can alleviate this pain point.
  6. 明智的决策: 没有统一的客户数据和财务信息视图, 企业可能难以做出明智的决定. If teams feel they lack the insights necessary to optimize sales and service effectiveness, IntegratorPlus’ ability to provide a comprehensive view of data can address this pain point.


For over two decades, LBMC技术解决方案 has been at the forefront of technology excellence. 以下是我们脱颖而出的原因:

  1. 整体分析: We evaluate your unique business processes and recommend solutions that align with your needs.
  2. 专业知识: With thousands of satisfied clients, we understand how technology impacts your business success.
  3. 获奖经销商: We’re proud to be an award-winning reseller of industry-standard software.

总之, IntegratorPlus isn’t just about integration—it’s about empowering your sales team, 改善现金流, 推动业务增长. 准备好将你的销售到现金流程提升到一个新的水平? 今天探索IntegratorPlus! 访问 LBMC技术解决方案.

*Note: IntegratorPlus is a registered trademark of LBMC技术解决方案.

