Employment Search

The Staffing Solutions team places direct hire, contract and contract-to-hire positions in five areas: 会计与财务、行政管理、人力资源、信息技术、 and LBMC executive talent. We place a wide range of candidates from c-suite executives to entry-level staff.

If you are searching for a specialized position, please contact one of our consultants today, and we will help you find the perfect fit.

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LBMC人力资源解决方案的直接招聘服务方法非常协作和透明. We have stability, credibility and a proven reputation of the highest level of ethics and confidentiality. 明升体育app下载就业市场知识和广泛的关系为有才华的个人提供了独特的机会,他们准备进入并立即产生影响.

LBMC人力资源解决方案的执行招聘人员是经验丰富的专业人士,他们在直接招聘过程中与候选人合作时会采取咨询的方式. 我们汇集了一群具有不同背景和“现实世界”经验的人才, education and certifications in the disciplines for which we recruit. 这使我们能够更全面地了解您的经验、资格和职业目标.

Contract Placement


Why Choose LBMC for Contract Placement?

  • Supplemented major medical health insurance coverage for qualified assignments
  • Direct deposit – weekly pay
  • 401(k) plan with a match for qualified assignments
  • Life insurance for qualified assignments

Are you a candidate for contract accounting?

Do you like variety? 有些员工在同一家公司做同样的工作多年,感到快乐和舒适. Others get bored and need to change things up to remain energized. If you thrive on variety, you might be a candidate for contract accounting, 但寻求多元化职位的求职者并不是唯一从咨询机会中受益的人. If any of the following scenarios ring true, contract accounting might be right for you.

Are you in transition? Maybe your role ended because of a restructuring or the company was acquired. It may take time to find the perfect fit for your next stop. Consulting is a great way to maintain an income while looking for your permanent home. Gain exposure to new systems and make new contacts while you make extra money.

Do you love a challenge? Companies rarely look to bring in a consultant when things are tidy and stable. Rather, they need consultants to catch up work that is behind, 改进流程以提高效率或符合新的会计准则. Sometimes they need someone with experience that they don’t themselves have, or they just need an extra set of hands or a fresh perspective. 如果你喜欢解决问题的机会,咨询职位可能很适合你.

Do you want to make a difference? One of our consultants once said, “I love this job. I know our clients need my help. I am not just making a difference to this company, 同时也通过帮助经理解决他们没有时间解决的问题来提高他们的生活质量.” If this quote sounds familiar, explore a contract accounting role.

Are you getting back into the workforce after a time away? People step away from the workforce for a multitude of reasons. Whether caring for family members, personal illnesses or other reason, returning to the workforce can be difficult after an absence. Your confidence may need a boost, and employers may be hesitant because they think your skills are rusty. 咨询任务不仅可以重建你的信心,还可以刷新你的技能. 在你准备好再次进入更具挑战性的角色之前,你甚至可以先考虑一个较低级别的任务.

Are you planning to move? If you know you will be moving away from your community, contract accounting can offer the perfect short-term solution. 做一名顾问可以让你的技能保持敏锐,也可以让你的收入不断增加,而不必对招聘经理和你无法留住的公司做出长期承诺.

Are you seeking flexibility? Someone who wants flexibility including the ability to take off for travel, 照顾家庭成员或其他爱好或兴趣是合同会计的绝佳人选.

Contract accounting offers a world of opportunities for those seeking variety, challenges, and flexibility in their career paths. Whether you find yourself in transition, yearning for a fresh challenge, eager to make a meaningful impact, reentering the workforce, planning a move, or simply desiring more flexibility, consulting positions in accounting might be the perfect fit for you.

LBMC Staffing Solutions is here to guide you on this exciting journey. 不要犹豫,伸出手去探索无数的可能性,等待着你在合同会计的世界. Contact us today to take the first step towards a rewarding and dynamic career. Your future is calling – answer it with LBMC Staffing Solutions.

National Accounting and Finance Job Recruiters

LBMC Staffing Solutions is a proud member of the American Association of Finance and Accounting (AAFA). AAFA is a collection of independently owned recruiting firms, just like ours, 谁的重点是服务于他们的地区,与我们为您提供的搜索专业知识相同.

这种专业关系不仅让我们有机会接触到招聘行业中一些最好的企业主, but entrée to their marketplaces.


如果您有会计和财务招聘需求,需要本地知识和服务类型,您可以从LBMC人员配置解决方案中获得期望的关注, 我们强烈建议你方给我们机会,以你方的名义利用明升体育app下载联系.

Candidate Testimonials

Testimonial Icon
“我只是想对Britt Cumbie和Daysha Carver的出色表现表示感谢. I’ve had the opportunity to work with a lot of recruiters over the years, from both sides of the fence, and those two have been just awesome. They have taken the time to get to know what makes me tick and know me as a person. Britt has landed me some contract work and Daysha has me on a hot prospect right now. People tend to not pause enough and compliment a job well done. 我想让你们听听我个人对两名代表LBMC团队的人的看法!”
Testimonial Icon
“LBMC人力资源解决方案超出了我的期望,不仅为我提供了目前的‘永久’工作,而且确保我在换工作时能够为家人提供临时工作. LBMC的员工花时间了解我的长期目标和短期需求,并在我个人身上投入精力,以确保他们提供给我的机会符合我的喜好和个性.”
Paul Murray
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“I can’t thank you enough for everything you have done on my behalf. You (personally) and the entire LBMC experience have been just great! If the opportunity should ever arise, I would love working with you in the future.”
Ed Darnell
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“Working with LBMC has been a very positive and rewarding experience. They work extremely hard to match your skills and goals to not only the position, but to the potential employer. I found the entire staff at LBMC to be professional, reliable, 他们有一种敏锐的感觉,能让“合适”的人适合“合适”的工作,让这场匹配对所有参与者都是长期的成功. Keep up the great work!”
Kathy Easter
Testimonial Icon
“我在找工作的过程中见过几家机构,而LBMC无疑是最令人印象深刻的. I’ve got a friend who is considering looking for a new opportunity; if she decides to make a change, I will strongly recommend LBMC.”
Vickie Killian
Testimonial Icon
“My overall experience with LBMC has been pleasant and satisfying. 工作人员帮助我准备了适当的文书工作,并向我解释了他们如何开展业务的流程. I feel that I have a tremendous amount of support from them during my contract. 我每周都有沟通,这样我就能迅速表达任何担忧或期望. I like the team and enjoy working with a professional group.”
Phyllis Bauman

Staffing Solutions Team

Link to Daysha Employment Search

Daysha Carver

Executive Recruiter, Accounting and Finance, Staffing Solutions

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phone icon email icon Nashville
Link to Britt Employment Search

Britt Cumbie

Director of Contract Accounting Services, Staffing Solutions

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phone icon email icon Nashville
Link to Debbie Employment Search

Debbie Elliott

Executive Recruiter, Accounting and Finance, Staffing Solutions

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phone icon email icon Nashville
Link to Walt Employment Search

Walt Morgan

Executive Recruiter, Staffing Solutions

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phone icon email icon Knoxville
Link to Marion Employment Search

Marion Schreiner

Financial Recruiter, Staffing Solutions

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phone icon email icon Nashville
Link to Mary Ann Employment Search

Mary Ann Shanks

Executive Recruiter, HR and Administrative, Staffing Solutions

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phone icon email icon Nashville
Link to Sherrie Employment Search

Sherrie Whatton

President/CEO, Staffing Solutions

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phone icon email icon Chattanooga Knoxville Nashville
Link to Nancy Employment Search

Nancy Windley

Financial Recruiter, Staffing Solutions

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phone icon email icon Nashville